Sunday, February 15, 2015


Thank you everyone for making this year a really great year. A lot of people got involved and helped spread awareness both on blogs, Facebook and Twitter. I am very pleased to announce the winners. I want to explain the process i go through to pick a winner. I write down the names of everyone who participated then assign random numbers between 1 and 50. I then go to and enter in the min and max number and then ask it to generate. The person who came closest to the number generated is the winners. So without further ado here are the winners.

In 3rd place and winner of the Gift card to Everythings Ducky and closest to the number 40 is...DAWN FELLOWS!!! 

The 2nd place and winner of the CHD hope bracelet and was dead on with the number 11 is....RALPH FANEUS

And finally...1st place and the winner of the diamond heartbeat necklace and another dead on with the number 29 is.....ARIKA NIELSON

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