Hello everyone and welcome to the 6th annual CHD Awareness Week. Sorry this post is so late, I got sick over the weekend and was down all day yesterday.
Today (like the first day of school :p) I would just like to explain what you can look forward to with this CHD week as well as a little of what I will be talking about. Also I will be including a post or two on organ donation as well. This year I have decided to do one prize instead of two. But the winner will get to choose from 3 different items. I will be keeping the prizes based around CHD. For example heart shaped jewelry, etc.
There are 3 different ways you can submit your name into the drawing. (So a chance to have your name in the drawing 3 times instead of 1) One way is posting a question in the comments here on the blog, I will be answering all questions at the end of each week. The 2nd & 3rd way is helping to spread CHD awareness. Examples are: Posting something on your blog about CHD and then put the link to your post in the comments so that I can go read about it. Helping to spread awareness on Facebook or Twitter. You can do this by posting about CHD awareness, sharing my blog or event, making your profile picture something about CHD, etc. Please remember to tag me on Facebook/Twitter or post a link in the comments section on my blog, so I know to add your name to the drawing. I would hate to only have your name in 2 times when you deserve 3. These are just some examples and will only get your name in the drawing once.
Tomorrow I will start all the facts and news about CHD what it is and more. Also about organ donation. Also an update on our family's CHD hero Abby Wardell. This event will last until Midnight on Feb 14. I will be announcing the winner of the contest on Feb 15th before 5PM U.S. MST (Mountain Standard Time). I am excited to share what I know with you and more and look forward to your stories, comments and questions.
Hello, Thank You for doing this contest. I always share and post on my Facebook page, Support Groups, and Blogs. I am not sure how to tag you on FB, as we have no mutual friends, and you aren't a member of CHD Community where I post a lot of articles. But these are the links, I hope you are able to read the information.
This Blog hasn't been updated in a while.
I love that you do this every year! It took me awhile but I finally did my annual CHD Awareness post on my blog. Thank you for helping spread awareness!